Sophie (WP5) – Hergebruik van stedelijk afvalwater: op (de Europese) weg naar een circulaire economie

In dit artikel bespreken wij hoe het hergebruik van afvalwater op Europees niveau is gereguleerd en hoeEuropese wetgeving in Nederland is geïmplementeerd en verder wordt geoperationaliseerd. Wij spitsen ons toe op het hergebruik van stedelijk afvalwater. Centraal hierbij staat de genoemde Europese Verordening, waarvoor op 28 maart 2022 de consultatieversie van het Nederlandse Uitvoeringsbesluit is […]

Peter (WP6) – Parallel shooting sequential quadratic programming for nonlinear MPC problems

In this paper, we propose a parallel shooting algorithm for solving nonlinear model predictive control problems using sequential quadratic programming. This algorithm is built on a two-phase approach where we first test and assess sequential convergence over many initial trajectories in parallel. However, if none converge, the algorithm starts varying the Newton step size in […]

Peter (WP6) – Handbook of linear data-driven predictive control: Theory, implementation and design

Data-driven predictive control (DPC) has gained an increased interest as an alternative to model predictive control in recent years, since it requires less system knowledge for implementation and reliable data is commonly available in smart engineering systems. Several data-driven predictive control algorithms have been developed recently, which largely follow similar approaches, but with specific formulations […]

Alaaeldin (WP4) – Water content of ion-exchange membranes: Measurement technique and influence on the ion mobility

Ion-exchange membranes (IEMs) are essential components of several electrochemical water technologies where they promote the transport of certain ionic species over others. A characteristic property of IEMs concerns their ionic charge density (ICD) which is a key parameter for modeling ion transport. In literature, significant variations in ICD for similar membranes are reported. We analyzed […]

Valdrich (WP6) – Machine learning for faster estimates of groundwater response to artificial aquifer recharge

Groundwater models are a valuable tool in optimising the decisions influencing groundwater flow. Spatially distributed models represent the groundwater level in the entire area from where essential information can be extracted, directly aiding in the decision-making process. However, these models are time-consuming, limiting the number of scenarios that can be considered. This study explores different […]

Alaaeldin (WP4) – Multi-component ion equilibria and transport in ion-exchange membranes

At the interface between an ion-exchange membrane and a multi-electrolyte solution, charged species redistribute themselves to minimize the free energy of the system. In this paper, we explore the Donnan equilibrium of membranes with quaternary electrolyte (Na+/Mg2+/K+/Ca2+/Cl−) solutions, experimentally. The data was used to calculate the ion activity coefficients for six commercial cation-exchange membranes (CEMs). […]

Ignacio (WP2) – Effect of grid resolution on regional modelled groundwater salinity and salt fluxes to surface water

Coastal fresh groundwaters face growing threats from rising withdrawals and climate change, with salinization of surface and groundwater as notable impacts. Recent developments in parallel variable-density modelling enable studying these threats at unexplored resolutions and extents. To improve the understanding of ground- and surface water salinization processes we designed an experiment to measure how spatial […]

Alessio (WP6) – Novel market-based mechanism for flexibility provision by water distribution networks to power systems

Large-scale integration of renewable energy sources with their intermittent output is introducing new challenges for system operators. The challenge arises from imperfect wind and solar forecasts that lead to deviations in electricity production in real time. This has urged system operators to explore new sources of flexibility including the water sector. Along with these advancements, […]